Snooper 1.39.13

Snooper is a professional sound activated audio recording software package with many advanced options and features.

Key Features:

Sound/Voice activated recording

Recordings are activated by detecting the incoming sound level.

Dictation mode:
Sound activated recording mode where all recordings are collected into a single file.

Adjustable recording window:
Records sound before and after the trigger occurs! Prevents unwanted clipping of the recorded sound.

Smart trigger:
Apply filters and trigger sensitivity to achieve very accurate audio triggering.

Noise cancellation:
Suppresses unwanted signals according to a pre-recorded noise profile.

Sound/Voice mail
Snooper can send the recording by e- mail automatically after a recording or be created manually.

Recording Schedule
Snooper can start and stop recording at any time you set.

Snooper can hide itself from taskbar and tray meanwhile recording covertly.

Direct Recording Support
Snooper can record on the fly for as long as you like without interruption.
Record music from YouTube or Spotify.

Snooper can record and encrypt the sound files for secure transfer over internet.